About Us

Lightpath Health

Lightpath Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and investing in programs that expand access to primary care for those without health insurance in the communities that need it most.​​

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The female mid adult doctor stands to shake hands with an unrecognizable female patient at the free health clinic.
1 M
Texans lack healthcare coverage

And millions more are covered under plans with prohibitively high deductibles. The result? Thousands of North Texans delay seeking 
care, only turning to the emergency room once their conditions 
become life-threatening.

Our Mission

Why Lightpath Health?​

We believe that every community deserves access to basic medical care. With your support, we can grow thriving communities everywhere by helping people build trust in healthcare and by transforming what is possible for lifelong health.


Affordable & Accessible Care

Bringing advanced primary care to long underserved and overlooked communities.
Replicating Catalyst Health Network's team-based care model through local trusted partner locations, like schools and community centers, we bring in person and virtual care to reach communities with low access to providers.
Replicating Catalyst Health Network's team-based care model through local trusted partner locations, like schools and community centers, we bring in person and virtual care to reach communities with low access to providers.​


Replicating Catalyst Health Network’s team-based care model through local trusted partner locations, like schools and community centers, we bring in person and virtual care to reach communities with low access to providers.

The volunteer doctor reviews the information the patient provided on the digital tablet.
In Western Colorado Mature Adult Female of Hispanic Ethnicity Using Smart Phone In the Home Photo Series Matching 4K Video Available (Shot with Canon 5DS 50.6mp photos professionally retouched - Lightroom / Photoshop - original size 5792 x 8688 downsampled as needed for clarity and select focus used for dramatic effect)


Exploring, creating and advocating for alternate models that give people the financial peace of mind they need to seek care before it’s too late.


We are grateful for our partners and value the community perspective and resources that that they contribute to our collaborative efforts.
Helping Communities Thrive

Support Our Mission

With your investment, we can grow thriving communities everywhere by helping people build trust in healthcare and by transforming what they believe is possible for their own health and the health of others.

Contact Us

Ready to make a difference?

Reach out to us for more information on Lightpath Health.

Or give us a call at 214.964.0444 

Group Of Mature Men And Women With Exercise Mats At End Of Outdoor Yoga Class